12 March 2007

Renaming Streets and Airports

Congratulations to the premier of our province on his recent debut into 21st century discourse (by way of his shiny new blog.) A tip, Mr. Premier: post often! Once a week is the minimum. It doesn't have to be a long essay like the one you wrote on Renaming Streets and Airports -- just a couple of lines. Stuff we won't see in press releases.

Now to the issue of Renaming Streets and Airports.

Out here in the real world, outside the lala-land of politics, we have a word for this. We call it "wanking". Its a harmless pastime that gives pleasure to the participant, consumes a small amount of surplus energy, but ultimately gratifies nobody but the wanker.

Many, many people despised the name "DF Malan" for Cape Town's Airport. Why should we like it any better to see it named after yet another politician? This is a very American habit, this wanting to name airports after political figures. It is to be despised, no matter which rathole in the political woodwork was home to the politician in question. What is wrong with "Cape Town International Airport"? Tells us simply, clearly, exactly where we are, and is completely non-contentious.

On the subject of streets and neighbourhoods: Let the people who live there decide! What business is it of anybody else, anyway?

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